The 17th International
Hydrocolloids Conference

Program Wednesday -updated Oct. 17

Lecture Hall   |   |  
 Time  SSLB1  SSLB3  
  Session Chair: David Everett    
 8:20- 8:50 Welcome Steve Cui, David Everett, Giselle Byrnes, Paul Moughan    
 8:50- 9:30 P1-245 Osvaldo Campanella, Manufacture and characterization of texturized foods using plant-based ingredients    
 9:30-10:10 P2-240 Bo Jiang, Bio-processing of alginate: a marine-derived bioactive oligosaccharide    
10:10-10:40 Break Break Break
  Session Chair: Katsuyoshi Nishinari Session Chair: Aiqian Ye  
10:40-11:10 I1-101 Qingbin Guo, China Polysaccharide based emulsifiers: research and product development I4-250 Yong-Cheng Shi, Strategies for controlling digestibility of starch in foods  
11:10-11:40 I2-249 Shingo Matsukawa, Japan Evaluation of physical properties of hydrocolloids by measurements from macro- to microscopic aspects I5-239 Sushil Dhital, Australia Interplay of Dietary Fibre Architecture on Gut Microbiota Dynamics  
11:40-12:10 I3-238 D. Wade Abbott, Canada Advanced polysaccharide analysis of seaweeds cultivated in the Pacific Northwest to guide new agricultural applications I6-251 Fang Zhong, China Regulation of glycemic response and appetite sensation with Konjac glucomannan of varied hydration and viscosity development behavior  
12:10-13:40 Lunch/Poster Lunch/Poster Lunch/Poster
 Time  SSLB1  SSLB3  SSLB4
  Session chair: Bo Jiang Session chair: Osvaldo Campanella Session chair: Lingyun Chen
13:40-14:00 C1-223 Red kidney bean polysaccharide alleviative DSS-induce colitis via regulating the gut microbiota C11-210 Exploring Functional Hydrocolloids from New Zealand Ferns C21-195 - Texturization of Plant-Based Products: Strengthening Pea Protein Gels with Collagen and Enzymatic Crosslinking
14:00-14:20 C2-226. Gut microbiota modulation by guar gum: Potential prebiotic effects and structural correlations C12-187. Structural Insights into Plant Proteins: Composition, Function, and Product Development C22-254. Functional and molecular characteristics of aqueous extracts from seaweed particle fractions
14:20-14:40 C3-163. Different modulatory effects of polysaccharides from mango, red seaweed, and Wolffia on gut microbiota and metabolite production C13-120. Exploring Environmental Impact on High Molecular Weight Polysaccharides in Ganoderma lucidum Submerged Fermentation for Industrial Applications C23-138. Inhibitory mechanism of tamarind seed polysaccharide on ice recrystallization: Ice-binding and water-perturbating behaviors
14:40-15:00 C4-110. Understanding relationships between particle size/concentration of food gels and gut fermentation in vitro C14-222. Comparison of structural characterization of Morchella sextelata from different origins: based on their relative ordered structure C24-172. The Impact of Plant Proteins and Their Non-Protein Components in Structure Formation with Starches During Hydrothermal Processing
15:00-15:20 C5-217. Cell wall polysaccharides from taewa (Maori potatoes) for feeding the infant microbiota C15-111. Valorisation of pomelo (Citrus maxima) peels as innovative aerogel template: application of fat replacers for meat product C25-125. Tuning pea protein gelling properties by modification with phenolic compounds
15:20-15:40 C6-118. Effects of steam explosion on the structural characterization and regulating gut microbiota of polysaccharides from Hericium erinaceus C16-213. Dietary Fiber from chia and basil Seeds: Interventions against metabolic syndrome C26-146. Modification of pectin structure and improvement of pectin gelling capacity by high-pressure processing treatment of fresh orange peel prior to pectin extraction
15:40-16:00 Break Break Break
  Session chair: Sushil Dhital Session chair: Brad Forrest Session chair: D. Wade Abbott
16:00-16:20 C7-117. Rational design of suitable emulsion-based system for protection and delivery of probiotics C17-160. Wood hemicelluloses as sustainable, natural and effective hydrocolloids for production of functional food products C27-170. Interaction and association behavior of electrolyte polysaccharide and whey protein
16:20-16:40 C8-224. Comprehensive evaluation of the prebiotic properties of konjac glucomannan during in vitro fermentation via multi-omics analysis C18-219. The glucolipid metabolism effects of three sources of β-glucan on metabolic syndrome mice C28-175. Polyvinyl alcohol-based electrospun mat as an on-package smart freshness indicator of an Indian traditional milk-based confection
16:40-17:00 C9-186. Intact Pulse Cells: a Potential Prebiotics for the Gut C19-220. Effects of three HG-type pectins on mice with metabolic syndrome C29-154. Modelling the impact of receptor - bioactive interactions on bioactive diffusion in novel liquid delivery systems
17:00-17:20 C10-158. Exploring and Modulating the Prebiotic Potential of Plant Cell Wall Fibers by non-covalently bound Polyphenols C20-153. Understanding the effect of exogenous pectin and arabinoxylans on the chemical stability of apple plant cell wall-bound polyphenols during baking C30-119. Structure identification and bioactivity studies of polysaccharides from Ganoderma lucidum

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240Bio-processing of alginate: a marine-derived bioactive oligosaccharide

Dr. Bo Jiang

Professor, Jiangnan University, China
Alginate, abundant in reserves and production, has garnered significant global research interest in recent years owing to its numerous beneficial properties. However, its high molecular weight (MW), viscosity, and low solubility limit its utility across various industries including food, medical, and agriculture. Conversely, its degradation product, alginate oligosaccharides (AOS), exhibits outstanding bioactivities, including immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-tumor, and plant growth-promoting properties, while addressing the limitations of alginate. Although physical and chemical methods for producing AOS have long been established, their high cost, product variability, purification challenges, and environmental impact hinder large-scale adoption. Notably, bioproduction of AOS through enzymatic degradation or microbial fermentation has gained increasingly attention because of its mild conditions, operational feasibility, high selectivity, and reduced by-product formation. Moreover, the resulting unsaturated oligosaccharides typically exhibit superior bioactivities. The biological production of AOS commonly relies on enzymatic degradation using various types of alginate lyases (ALys) from 14 Polysaccharide Lyase (PL) families. Molecular techniques, including cloning and heterologous expression of ALys, as well as homology modeling, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation, and site-directed mutagenesis, are utilized to construct and enhance the performance of ALys. Further, the structure and distribution of AOS, generated by ALys from various families, typically vary. ALys, exhibiting strict substrate specificity, hold promise for the targeted production of specific structural AOS. Attempts to produce AOS through fermentation of microorganisms capable of extracellular ALys secretion have been made. However, challenges such as complex product separation and purification, and limited extracellular enzyme activity have hindered widespread application.

245Manufacture and characterization of texturized foods using plant-based ingredients

Osvaldo Campanella

Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
Plant based ingredients are commonly regarded as safer and healthier and can be obtained from more sustainable resources than their animal counterparts. However, their nutritional quality and relatively poor functionality limit their applications in foods. Converting plant based ingredients to fibrous structures has been shown to enhance the physicochemical and textural properties of foods using these ingredients. However, scale production of plant based foods has many challenges which are closely related to the product formulation with direct relation to the product nutrition as well as its capacity to produce structures that confer suitable textures to the final products. Furthermore, currently employed formulations involves the use of refined ingredients such as plant protein concentrates or isolates, which have an impact in the cost of the final products and on the environment due to the solvents and energy employed for their production. Therefore, a systematic and depth understanding of how formulations affect the texturization process and control the food's final quality is necessary. Significant progress has been made on high-temperature shear (including extrusion)-induced fiber structures which are responsible for the desirable texture in plant based foods. Structuring plant proteins adds value for broadened food applications, but it remains challenging to keep processes cost-effective and environmentally friendly using food grade solvents.

This presentation primarily focuses on the manufacture of foods from plant ingredients. Changes of protein structure, protein-protein interactions and interaction with other macromolecules like polysaccharides will be discussed in detail, along with the effects of fabrication conditions and raw material sources on the morphology and function of the fibers, and ultimately their effects of final product textures.

101Polysaccharide based emulsifiers: research and product development

Qingbin Guo1, Ji Kang1, Steve W Cui2

1 *College of Food Science and Engineering, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin, China
2 Guelph Food Research and Development Centre, AAFC, Guelph, ON. Canada
Purpose:The objective of this study is to understand the relationships between the structural and emulsification properties of gum ghatti, a polysaccharide-based emulsifier, for the development of innovative emulsification products.

Methods: Detailed characterization was conducted on the polysaccharide and protein portions (4.37%) of gum ghatti. This included classifying its family, examining the linkage between the protein and polysaccharide molecules, and assessing its emulsification capacity and stability. Drying heating and solution heating methods were utilized to enhance its properties. Additionally, the molecular weight of gum ghatti was reduced using ultrasonication and acidic hydrolysis. Whey protein concentrate was then added, and polysaccharide-protein conjugation was induced through the Maillard reaction.

Results: Gum ghatti was classified as a member of the arabinogalactan family. It was found that the protein is predominantly covalently linked to the polysaccharide molecules, forming a comb-like structure. The peptide chain of gum ghatti demonstrated a high hydrophobic score. The emulsification capacity and stability of gum ghatti were determined to be four times more effective than those of gum arabic. The heating methods applied further enhanced these properties. Following treatment, the reduced molecular weight of gum ghatti and the subsequent polysaccharide-protein conjugates exhibited varied emulsification properties.

Conclusions: The study provides critical insights into the structural features and enhanced emulsification capabilities of gum ghatti. The unique comb model structure and the high hydrophobicity of its peptide chain are pivotal to its effectiveness as an emulsifier. The various modifications applied, including heating treatments and molecular weight reduction, along with the creation of polysaccharide-protein conjugates, show potential for the development of novel emulsification products with diverse applications.

250Strategies for improving starch stability in foods

Yong-Cheng Shi

Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA
Starch, a major component in cereal grains, has a critical influence on the texture, appearance, quality and nutritional properties of grain-based food products. Moreover, isolated starches are used in food applications, but shortcomings of the unmodified starches limit their use in many commercial applications. These shortcomings, among others, include the cohesive texture of the cooked starch, particularly from waxy maize, potato, and tapioca starch; the loss of viscosity by acids or mechanical shear; lack of clarity and the tendency to retrograde during storage. Chemically modified starches have been developed to overcome one or more of the shortcomings. Currently, clean-label is an emerging global trend in packaged foods. Ingredient suppliers want to offer clean-label ingredients that can be simply labelled as “starch” or “flour”. Ideally, clean-label ingredients cannot and should not negatively affect a product's shelf life, flavor, appearance, texture and other characteristics that consumers expect. In this presentation, factors affecting starch stability, starch structure-retrogradation relationship, and strategies for improving starch stability in foods will be discussed. Selecting right starch and modifications are important in food applications. To be used as a thickener or viscosifying agent, a waxy starch with no amylose is preferred. Among waxy starches, waxy wheat, waxy tapioca and waxy rice starches have good cold-storage stability and are potential starting materials from which clean-label functional starches may be produced. Controlling processing and storage conditions is another way to improve starch stability considering starch retrogradation as a polymer crystallization process which is affected by time, temperature, water content and presence of other components.

249Evaluation of physical properties of hydrocolloids by measurements from macro- to microscopic aspects

Shingo Matsukawa

Department of Food Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Techn
Rheological measurements on food hydrocolloids of biopolymers, such as polysaccharides and proteins, provide useful information to understand gelation mechanism and network structure from macroscopic viewpoints. For better understanding, however, measurements of microscopic physicochemical properties are instructive to give mobility and structures in nano-meter level and molecular level. In many cases, the gelation of biopolymer solutions is induced by the formation of helical structures and subsequent their aggregation, which is detected as an exothermic peak in micro-DSC measurements. The peak temperature is mostly identical to the gelation temperature observed in the macroscopic theological measurements and the peak area corresponds to the enthalpy accompanied with the formation and aggregation of helices. The molecular mobilities in biopolymer chains are strongly depressed by the formation and aggregation of helices. NMR gives information on molecular mobility. Relaxation times for polysaccharide reflect the flexibility of chains and relaxation times for water reflect the motion of water molecules and biopolymer through the chemical exchanging between water proton and labile proton on the chains. The diffusion coefficients of biopolymers give the information about the mobility of molecules and the network structure in the biopolymer gels. Nano-particle tracking is a noninvasive technique performed by monitoring the Brownian motion of the probe particle which provides information on the local viscoelasticity in the gels and spatial differences in the local physical properties during the gelation. These methods have been applied to the studies on gelation behaviors in solutions of agarose, gellans, carrageenans and gelatins to give physical pictures of gelation mechanisms.

239Interplay of Dietary Fibre Architecture on Gut Microbiota Dynamics

Sushil Dhital

Associate Professor, Bioresource Processing Research Institute of Australia (BioPRIA), Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia
Dietary fibre, including the Resistant starch, is not digested and absorbed in the small intestine of the human body and thus excursed to the large intestine. The carbon polymers are fermented by microbes to produce beneficial metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and organic acids. These metabolites are known to have proven health benefits in diversifying the gut microbiota, leading to immunomodulation and reduction of infections and metabolic diseases. The presentation focuses on how the form (soluble vs insoluble fibres), types (resistant starches, intact plant cells) and size of fibre are related to the diversity of microbiota and metabolites, including the SCFA and other organic acids based on the in-vitro and in-vivo fermentation studies. Understanding the rate and extent of microbial fermentation can help to design functional food with tailored gut functionality

238Advanced polysaccharide analysis of seaweeds cultivated in the Pacific Northwest to guide new agricultural applications

D. Wade Abbott

Lethbridge Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Seaweed has been a traditional food system for coastal Indigenous communities since time immemorial and more recently has become popular in mainstream markets as human food. Other potential applications of seaweed, such as for improving human health and enhancing agriculture, have not received as much attention despite their sizeable potential to contribute to sustainable biomanufacturing and food production. In particular, seaweeds have shown promise to reduce enteric methane emissions from cattle and improve plant health and resiliency. Our research team at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in partnership with our industry collaborators, is focusing on studying the chemical properties of seaweed polysaccharides and the benefits of cultivated seaweeds for improving rumen function and soil health. Our goal is to create new and more efficient applications for seaweed-based products to open up new market opportunities and help farmers achieve sustainable food production practices in response to changing climate pressures.

Seaweed polysaccharides are structurally complex. The composition of polysaccharides differs between seaweed type (Phaeophyta, Chlorophyta, and Rhodophyta), between closely related species, and even within the same species, depending on stage of development and environmental factors. Seaweed polysaccharides can vary in their monosaccharide composition and glycosidic linkages, and exhibit signature chemical modifications, such as sulfation. Conventional lab techniques used for analyzing seaweed cell walls are limited in their ability to provide detailed insights into composition and abundance of polysaccharides. Our team has been working on addressing this technical gap and developing methods for purifying and analyzing polysaccharides found in seaweeds. In order to maximize the production and profitability of seaweed cultivation for the emerging industry, it will be essential to define the profiles of farmed seaweed polysaccharides and how these profiles are influenced by factors such as growth habitats and environmental stressors. In this presentation, I will provide an overview on the glycomics methods we have developed and some polysaccharide profiles we have studied using red and brown seaweeds that grow in the Pacific Northwest. Additionally, I will discuss some of our current work studying the digestibility of seaweed polysaccharides by the gastrointestinal microbiota of cattle and other domesticated ruminants. These topics will help lay the ground work for the utilization of seaweed as an alternative feed, or “sea-feed” for cattle production.

251Regulation of glycemic response and appetite sensation with Konjac glucomannan of varied hydration and viscosity development behavior

Liping Guo1,2,3, Maoshen Chen1,2, Fang Zhong1,2*

1Science center for Future Food, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214122, China
2School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, 214122, China
3College of Food Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics; Nanjing, 210023, China
Based on the analysis of hydration and rheological properties of various Konjac glucomannan (KGM) samples, the purpose of this study is to related the appetite and postprandial blood glucose control effect of KGM solution via in vitro and in vivo tests. The results showed that the addition of KGM would slow down gastric emptying and intestinal food migration, resulted in its longer presence in the lower ileum and a higher secretion of satiety related hormones. KGM with medium hydration rate and medium final viscosity(MHMV) has the best viscosity development and gastrointestinal dilution coordination effect, the intake of 0.75% of MHMV can reduce the area under the postprandial blood glucose curve (iAUC) of glucose solution and rice porridge by 35%. Long-term anti-obesity test with C57BL/6J mice revealed that KGM supplementations attenuate HF diet induced body and tissue weight gain, ameliorated fasting blood glucose, glucose tolerance, lipid homeostasis and liver injury. Beisdes, KGM supplementation led to significant changes in transcription of genes related to glycolipid metabolism and had a profound impact on the gut microbiome composition and abundance with enrichment of beneficial bacteria. These results suggest that the hydration rate and viscosity increase of KGM in synchrony with digestive processes are the key factors that regulate satiety hormones and reduce food intake resulting in long-term weight loss

Keywords: konjac glucomannan; hydration rate; satiation; appetite sensation

223Red kidney bean polysaccharide alleviative DSS-induce colitis via regulating the gut microbiota

Chunhua Chen, Qixing Nie, Wanyu Zhang, Xuefei Wei, Shaoping Nie

State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Resources, China-Canada Joint Lab of Food Science and Technology (Nanchang), Key Laboratory of Bioactive Polysaccharides of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330047, China
Introduction: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic idiopathic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Its incidence is increasing rapidly and has become a global health issue. Red kidney bean has been shown to exert beneficial effect on alleviating inflammation and regulating gut microbiota. However, there are few reports on the intervention of red kidney bean polysaccharide in the treatment of colitis.

Method: Male C57BL/6J mice were divided into three groups: the control group, the model group, and the red kidney bean polysaccharide group. Body weight, disease activity index, and the composition and function of gut microbiota were analyzed.

Results: The result showed that red kidney bean polysaccharide improved Body weight and disease activity index in the mice model of colitis induced by DSS. Furthermore, the gut microbiota of colitis mice changed after red chicory leaf dietary fiber intervention. Furthermore, red kidney bean polysaccharide remodeled the gut microbiota by accelerating the proliferation of beneficial bacteria Ruminococcus and inhibiting pathogenic bacteria Sutterella.

Discussion: Red kidney bean polysaccharide ameliorated the experimental colitis of mice induced by DSS by modulating the gut microbiota composition and function profiles, which makes it possible to be used as prebiotic agents to treat gut dysbiosis in colitis individuals

210Exploring Functional Hydrocolloids from New Zealand Ferns

Lara Matia-Merino1*, Felicia Z.W. Peh1, Akshay Bisht1, Ian M. Sims2, Cara A. Luiten2 & Kelvin K. T. Goh1

1School of Food and Natural Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
2The Ferrier Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
The race is on to find sustainable novel plant polysaccharides that could be used in food and non-food applications. Around 200 species of ferns can be found only in New Zealand. Exploring the mucilaginous water-soluble polysaccharides found in some of these species is vital, as they grow in abundance, and the fronds can be easily harvested, providing a sustainable source of novel hydrocolloids. Viscosity development is one of the most important physical attributes when dealing with these biopolymers, however, while transforming the plant extracts into powders, this functionality can be severely impacted. Equally important are the sensitivities towards the environmental conditions in which these ingredients need to function.

The present work will introduce some of the physico-chemical and structural properties of novel polysaccharides extracted from fern species such as Cyathea smithii (Soft Tree/Kātote), Blechnum novae-zelandiae (Palm Leaf/Kiokio), or Ptisana salicina (King/Para), in comparison to our well-studied polysaccharide extracted from Cyathea medullaris (Black tree fern/Mamaku) which exhibits remarkable shear-thickening properties linked to a pronounced extensional viscosity. Kiokio was found to behave the closest to Mamaku in terms of flow and extensional viscosity of the polysaccharide solutions. However, Kātote showed a high zero-shear viscosity, strong pseudoplasticity and a gel-like behaviour. All explored ferns contained polysaccharides with similar backbone structures, but glycosyl linkage analysis of the purified polysaccharide extract from Kiokio contained →2,4)-Manp-(1→ and →3,4)-GlcpA-(1→ that were absent from the other fern species and a high proportion of →2)-Galp-(1→, suggesting that this polysaccharide has some unusual features.

The impact of the drying method on the plant extracts (freeze-drying versus oven drying), and the effects of temperature, shear and ionic conditions on the rheological and molecular properties of these polysaccharides were studied. Temperature treatment disintegrated the backbone of Mamaku polysaccharide into smaller fragments (molecular weight-Mw: control = ~3.9x106 Da, 115°C, 30 min= ~0.6x106 Da), resulting in an overall decrease in viscosity above 75ºC— similar to the decrease in viscosity exhibited by Kiokio polysaccharide which lost the shear thickening ability and the extensional viscosity upon heating. Similarly, shear treatment led to a decrease in viscosity, highlighting the importance of addressing the processing conditions, as well as the hydration conditions of the plant powders.

Given the current evidence suggesting the importance of the extensional viscosity of fluids in the design of beverages that can facilitate safe swallowing for people with dysphagia, the potential of some of these fern polysaccharides is huge. Other potential uses as food ingredients include the design of novel food products for satiety management, for reduction of the glycaemic index, or for improved colon health.

195Texturization of Plant-Based Products: Strengthening Pea Protein Gels with Collagen and Enzymatic Crosslinking

Parisa Eslami, Victoria Haritos, Leonie van ‘t Hag

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, 3800, Australia
The growing interest in plant-based proteins is driven by increasing awareness of health benefits, population growth, freshwater scarcity, and climate change (Pojić et al., 2018; Sá et al., 2020). However, controlling their structural and textural characteristics is still a challenge, leading to extensive research into modifying the properties of plant gels to enhance their textural quality. Among plant-based proteins, pea proteins are particularly promising due to their high quality, well-balanced amino acid profile, and low allergenicity (Schlangen et al., 2023)

In this work, an approach for improving the gelling ability of low-concentration pea protein isolate (PPI) and collagen mixture was investigated. An enzymatic crosslinking agent, transglutaminase (TG), was employed to enhance the gel strength of the mixture. Rheological oscillatory time sweep analysis demonstrated an approximately 100-fold enhancement in gel strength of the PPI (50 mg/mL) and collagen (3 mg/mL) mixture at moderate temperature (≤ 50 ℃) compared to PPI alone, when treated with TG. The presence of a three-dimensional gel network was confirmed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), while texture analyser confirmed the improved gel strength, and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) indicated the successful crosslinking within the protein matrix

The results of this study provide an innovative approach in the development of stronger gels for plant-based products, offering possibilities for making formulations of better-quality products that would be more appealing to consumers. From these technical improvements, this research also offers a promising solution for protein supply in global food industry

1Pojić, M., Mišan, A., & Tiwari, B. (2018). Eco-innovative technologies for extraction of proteins for human consumption from renewable protein sources of plant origin. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 75, 93-104.
2Sá, A. G. A., Moreno, Y. M. F., & Carciofi, B. A. M. (2020). Plant proteins as high-quality nutritional source for human diet. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 97, 170-184.
3Schlangen, M., Ribberink, M. A., Taghian Dinani, S., Sagis, L. M. C., & van der Goot, A. J. (2023). Mechanical and rheological effects of transglutaminase treatment on dense plant protein blends. Food Hydrocolloids, 136.

226Gut microbiota modulation by guar gum: Potential prebiotic effects and structural correlations

Shanshan Zhang, Yonggan Sun, Qixing Nie, Shaoping Nie*

State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Resources, China-Canada Joint Lab of Food Science and Technology, Key Laboratory of Bioactive Polysaccharides of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330047, China
Introduction: Guar gum is a linear, water-soluble galactomannan extracted from the guar bean, consisting of a (1–4)-linked β-D-mannose backbone with single (1–6)-bonded α-D-galactose side groups, with a mannose to galactose ratio of 2:1. Due to its ability to provide highly viscous solutions at relatively low concentrations (less than 1% w/v), is widely used in both food and pharmaceutical industries. However, its regulatory effects on the gut microbiota remain unclear. This study aims to elucidate the interactions between guar gum and gut microbiota, thereby shedding light on its potential as a dietary adjunct in health-promoting formulations.

Method: Utilizing an in vitro fermentation model with colonic contents from healthy mice, this investigation meticulously assessed the biochemical and microbial dynamics in response to guar gum. The interaction between guar gum and the microbiota was assessed through various indicators, including bacterial growth, pH levels, sugar content, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), and microbiota analysis.

Results: The results indicated that guar gum was degraded and utilized by the gut microbiota, with a degradation rate reaching 63.69%. The degradation process also affected the environmental pH. Analysis of SCFA revealed that guar gum primarily promoted the production of propionic and acetic acids, with a notable effect on butyric acid as well. In terms of microbiota composition, guar gum significantly inhibited the enrichment of Enterobacteriaceae while promoting the enrichment of Bifidobacterium and Parabacteroides. B. pseudolongum and P. distasonis were notably enriched by guar gum, which may be related to the galactose and mannose that constitute the structure of guar gum.

Discussion: These findings suggest that guar gum possesses potential prebiotic effects. The study provides a more comprehensive understanding of the interaction between guar gum and the gut microbiota, which is beneficial for the development of a precision nutritional system. The promotion of beneficial bacteria and the inhibition of potentially harmful bacteria underscore the potential health benefits of incorporating guar gum into dietary products.

187Structural insights into plant proteins: composition, function, and product development

Smriti Shrestha1*, Sushil Dhital2

1School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia
2Bioresource Processing Research Institute of Australia (BioPRIA), Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia
Plant proteins’ molecular structure and composition influences their functionalities and product development strategies. To address this, commercial pea protein and laboratory extracted (lyophilized) yellow pea, lentil, mungbean protein isolates were used as model proteins. The molecular and higher order structure of soluble and insoluble proteins (at pH 7) were investigated followed by their heat-induced gelling properties and the potentiality to develop meat analogue via high moisture extrusion processing using twin screw extruder. Differences in protein composition was evident with the pulse variety and drying condition. Lentils and yellow pea proteins were a mixture of legumin-like (360 kDa) and vicilin-like (180 kDa) globulins, while mungbean protein was distinctly dominated by vicilin-like globulin. No major compositional difference was noted between soluble and insoluble fractions of laboratory extracted protein isolates. On the other hand, soluble fractions of commercial sample were confirmed to be dissociated into their smaller subunits by using size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Further, synchrotron radiation circular dichroism (SR-CD) spectra of both soluble and insoluble fractions of lab-extracted samples showed a similar ordered confirmation. Meanwhile, soluble fraction of commercial pea was highly unordered compared to insoluble counterparts. On investigation of gelling behavior, critical protein concentration (CPC) value was the lowest for commercial pea (14% w/v) followed by mungbean (14% w/v), lentils (18% w/v) and yellow pea (22% w/v). Among all, mungbean protein gels exhibited higher storage modulus (G?), gel strength and water holding capacity. Finally, the force required to cut the extrudates in the crosswise and lengthwise direction of flow was significantly (P < 0.05) higher for mungbean protein extrudates than others. Additionally, the degree of texturization of mungbean (1.2) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than of lentil (1.1) and yellow pea (0.75) extrudates. In conclusion, vicilin-rich mungbean proteins developed strong heat-induced gels, and fibrous structures with chicken meat-like texture. The textural properties were of intermediate strength for lentil proteins while yellow pea proteins developed weaker gels and meat analogues with a soft texture. Based on these observations, food industries may tailor-make the desired final product such as fibrous or soft, by selecting the appropriate protein sources.

120Exploring Environmental Impact on High Molecular Weight Polysaccharides in Ganoderma lucidum Submerged Fermentation for Industrial Applications

Jie Feng, Jia Guo, Yanfang Liu, JingSong Zhang

Affiliation: Institute of Edible Fungi, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1000 Jinqi Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai 201403, China.
Polysaccharides derived from Ganoderma lucidum (GLPs) possess unique bioactive properties, rendering them highly valuable in various biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. To enhance GLP yield, several control strategies have been employed. In this study, the researchers aimed to investigate the influence of three key parameters: inoculation amount, fermentation scale, and initial glucose concentration, on the efficiency of G. lucidum submerged fermentation.

The researchers focused on evaluating the content of high molecular weight (MW) intracellular polysaccharides (IPS), measuring over 104 kDa, as an indicative metric of GLP production efficiency. It was found that both the inoculation amount and fermentation scale significantly impacted the content of high MW IPS. Specifically, when the inoculation amount was set at 0.5 g per 100 mL of fermentation medium, the content of high MW IPS reached 1.20×107 mV s. This result indicated the importance of an optimal inoculation amount for maximizing GLP production.

To further enhance GLP yield, the researchers explored the effect of reducing the initial glucose concentration in combination with fed-batch fermentation. This strategy not only improved biomass and substrate utilization but also led to an increase in the content of high MW IPS. Additionally, the analysis of monosaccharide composition showed that glucose was the predominant component of the high MW IPS, accounting for over 93% of the total composition.

Furthermore, the researchers conducted in vitro cell assays to evaluate the bioactivity of the high MW IPS derived from different fermentation scales. The results indicated that these polysaccharides effectively inhibited the release of nitric oxide (NO) from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated RAW264.7 cells. This finding suggests that GLPs derived from submerged fermentation have the potential to modulate immune responses, which could be beneficial in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases.

Overall, the quality of GLPs remained consistent throughout the submerged fermentation process. These findings not only provide insights into the optimization of G. lucidum submerged fermentation on an industrial scale but also highlight the promising biotechnological applications of GLPs. By understanding the impact of key parameters and employing appropriate control strategies, the production of GLPs can be enhanced, paving the way for their widespread use in the biomedical and pharmaceutical fields.

138Inhibitory mechanism of tamarind seed polysaccharide on ice recrystallization: Ice-binding and water-perturbating behaviors

Xianbao Sun, Yan Wu*

Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Food Safety, School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Naturally derived polysaccharides are increasingly being considered promising candidates for inhibiting ice recrystallization in cryoprotective applications. However, the underlying mechanism of how polysaccharides inhibit ice recrystallization remains a subject of controversial debate. Herein, we present an ice recrystallization inhibition (IRI)-active polysaccharide, specifically a galactoxyloglucan sourced from tamarind seed kernels, and propose a novel perspective to understand the IRI mechanism by examining its ice-binding and water-perturbing properties.Method:
Firstly, the IRI activity of tamarind seed polysaccharide (TSP) fractions with varying molecular weights was determined through a standard 'splat' assay. Then, the interaction between TSP fractions and the ice surface as well as the influence of polysaccharides on water structure were investigated using a sucrose sandwich ice shaping assay and in situ Raman spectroscopy. Finally, molecular dynamics (MD) were conducted to simulate ice growth phenomena in the presence of TSP oligomers.Results:
Ice recrystallization was effectively inhibited by TSP fractions. The activity was found to be dependent on both their molecular weight and concentration, but independent of solution viscosity. TSP did not show obvious faceting effects on ice crystals; however, polysaccharide solvation led to a reduction in the tetrahedral degree of water molecules. MD simulation studies further elucidated that TSP oligomers retarded ice growth along prismatic planes. During this process, adsorption of TSP onto non-specific ice surfaces resulted in evident structural defects within adjacent layers around the TSP chains while also weakening the quasi-liquid layer at the interface between ice and water.Discussion:
Based on experimental and MD simulation results, it is proposed that the IRI mechanism for TSP is based on the combined effect of non-specific binding to ice surfaces and perturbation of interfacial water dynamics.

163Different modulatory effects of polysaccharides from mango, red seaweed, and Wolffia on gut microbiota and metabolite production

Charoensiddhi Suvimol1*, Methacanon Pawadee2, Hongsprabhas Parichat1

1Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University, 50 Ngamwongwan Road, Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Thailand
2MMTEC, National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), 114 Thailand Science Park, Phahonyothin Road, Khlong Nueng, Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120 Thailand
Carbohydrate polymers involving non-starch polysaccharides are considered as promising and sustainable plant-based ingredients due to their human health benefits. This study investigated the gut health benefits of polysaccharides from mango (Mangifera indica L. var. Kaew Kamin), red seaweed (Gracilaria fisheri), and Wolffia (Wolffia globosa). These polysaccharides showed promise as prebiotics because they are resistant to digestion by enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract and were readily fermentable in the gut by residentmicrobiota.The polygalacturonic acid main chain of mango polysaccharide enhanced the abundance of Megamonas, Phascolarctobacterium, Lactobacillus, Blautia, Bacteroides, Parabacteroides, and Bifidobacterium compared to the blank control. It also significantly increased total short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) production (36.9 µmol/mL) compared to the control (6.1 µmol/mL). The agarose and agaropectin-based polysaccharides from seaweed Gracilaria fisheri induced butyric acid production comparable to that of the inulin control (5.4 and 6.9 μmol/mL) and showed the highest production when compared with other substrates (1.8-3.3 μmol/mL). This seaweed also stimulated the growth of beneficial bacteria, including Roseburia and Faecalibacterium. Additionally, the arabinogalactan-pectin from Wolffia globosa promoted the growth of beneficial intestinal microorganisms such as Bacteroides, Phocaeicola, Bifidobacterium, Collinsella, Faecalibacterium, Blautia, Megamonas, and Roseburia, and increased total SCFAs production compared to the control. Pathway analysis results showed that altered metabolites were mostly related to tryptophan metabolism.

The key findings from this work demonstrated that different molecular structures of polysaccharides can benefit health through various impacts on gut microbiota modulation and the production of microbial metabolites. This contributes to the development and expansion of a new platform for utilizing polysaccharides for higher-value products, particularly in the functional food and nutraceutical industries. This supports the social demand for health awareness and the development of a bio-based circular economy.

Keywords: Gut microbiome; Mango; Polysaccharides; Seaweed; Short-chain fatty acid; Wolffia

222Comparison of structural characterization of Morchella sextelata from different origins: based on their relative ordered structure

Ningyu Lei, Qingyu Song, Jinling Wang, Xiaoxiao Song, Junyi Yin

State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Resources, China-Canada Joint Laboratory of Food Science and Technology (Nanchang), Key Laboratory of Bioactive Polysaccharides of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, Jiangxi Province, China
Introduction: Polysaccharides are significant organic compounds in nature, exhibiting multiple pharmacological activities closely related to their structural features. Therefore, it is crucial to perform quantitative quality control of polysaccharides based on their chemical characteristics to ensure their effective application in biomedical and functional food sciences. However, polysaccharides are complex macromolecular compounds that are difficult to isolate and lack standardized systematic characterization, making this task particularly challenging. In this paper, we elucidate the the universality of the previously proposed concept of 'relative ordered structure of polysaccharide' in the structural analysis of Morchella sextelata polysaccharides isolated from different orgins.

Methods: The structural characteristics of homogeneous components from hot water-extracted polysaccharides of Morchella sextelata mushrooms from five different regions were analyzed using FTIR, HPAEC-PAD, GC-MS, and ¹H NMR. Subsequent assessment using PCA and HCA evaluated their similarity and dissimilarity.

Results: The PCA and heatmap results demonstrated the structural similarity of identical components from five cultivation regions, primarily attributed to the comparable monosaccharide composition and glycosidic linkage types. 20-subfractions were divided into glucan and glucogalactomannans based on glycosidic linkage types. The main chain of glucan composed of α-D-Glcp residues linked via (1→4)-linkages and branched at O-6 position. Multiple chains consisting of α-(1→2)-Manp residues and α-(1→6)-Manp residues maintained the main chain structure of glucogalactomannans, with side chains of Galp and Glcp residues attached at O-4 and O-6 positions.

Discussion: Based on the results and previous reports, this work further confirms the applicability of the “relative ordered structure of polysaccharide” in the extraction and purification of polysaccharides from morel mushrooms, advancing the structural elucidation of polysaccharide with complex glycosidic bond types.

172The Impact of Plant Proteins and Their Non-Protein Components in Structure Formation with Starches During Hydrothermal Processing

Florencia Parle, Sara Berguices, Laura Roman

Food Technology Area, Department of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering, University of Valladolid, Spain
Currently, animal-derived proteins are being replaced by plant-based counterparts to reduce the environmental impact of our food systems and transition to a more sustainable plant-based diet. However, these proteins are often added to enrichen carbohydrate-based food, competing for the available water and modifying the phase transitions of the biopolymers involved, and ultimately modifying the network formation and technological properties of the food. Therefore, mechanistically studying the interplay of these alternative plant proteins with starch, main biopolymer in the human diet, is crucial for successfully incorporating these proteins into novel foods. Thus, this study aims to understand the interaction between different starches and plant proteins, in concentrated and isolated forms, during food hydrothermal processing. Two protein concentrates (50-53% protein) from sunflower, a byproduct protein from oilseed extraction, and lupin, a protein-rich legume with high fiber content, were characterized. From these sources, protein isolates (80-90% protein), with different 11/7S fractions and nativity states, were also extracted. The composition, structure and functionality of the obtained protein ingredients were thoroughly evaluated: including their molecular weight and globulin/albumin fractions, secondary structure, nativity, gelation ability, solubility, and charge. To create the protein-starch mixed matrices, two types of starch, wheat and potato, were considered due to their different molecular architectures and swelling kinetics. Subsequently, the starch-protein matrices were processed at high-moisture, high-temperature, and low-shear conditions by incorporating the protein concentrates and isolates to the starch matrix and the changes in apparent viscosity were followed in situ. In the mixed matrices, the impact of solids and protein content were evaluated to understand the effect of protein and non-protein components in the formed structures (i.e., microstructure, water partitioning, rheological and retrogradation properties). Differences in the network formation were observed in the mixed matrices depending on the protein source and their purity level. For both starch and protein types, matching protein content between the concentrates and isolates resulted in a delay in the onset of structure formation with protein isolates incorporation, despite its lower solids addition. This effect was further evidenced when higher solids were added, especially with lupin protein isolate. Microstructural results revealed the formation of protein rich domains and phase separation in sunflower proteins, with the presence of protein aggregates, which could be related to the higher proportion of gel-forming 11S proteins than lupin, hindering its homogeneous dispersion in the mixture. Interestingly, isolation of lupin proteins increased protein solubility, while isolation reduced it for sunflower protein, due to chlorogenic acid-protein adducts formation during alkaline extraction. Furthermore, addition of protein isolates to potato starch also increased the maximum viscosity upon heating, greatly competing for available water, while protein concentrates integrated and solubilized better in the mixed structure, with less disruption of starch swelling and gelatinization. Protein isolates also tended to decrease the extent of starch retrogradation, reducing the hardening of the system. These results are an important step towards understanding biopolymer interactions during hydrothermal cooking, which evidently impact food structuring, and highlight the need to investigate protein characteristics, affecting phase formation during swelling in mixed protein-starch systems.

111Valorisation of pomelo (Citrus maxima) peels as innovative aerogel template: application of fat replacers for meat product

Haoxin Wang1, Peng Wang2, Stefan Kasapis1, Tuyen Truong1,3*

1School of Science, STEM College, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
2Key Laboratory of Meat Processing and Quality Control, College of Food Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, 210095, PR China
3School of Science, Engineering and Technology, RMIT Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
*Corresponding author;
Fruit peels, often considered low-value byproducts, are rich reservoirs of phenolic compounds and fibre, rendering them promising candidates for functional ingredient development. Our previous study showed that pomelo (Citrus maxima) peels (PP) were robust gelators to form oleogels and hydrogels when mixing PP powder with oil/water in 2 minutes without heating, referred as direct mixing method. In this investigation, we harnessed PP to be innovative aerogel templates, which can create oleogel-like sorbents when being immersed in edible oil. We demonstrated the PP sorbents an effective fat replacer for meatball product. Comprehensive analyses of chemico-physical, rheological and microstructural characteristics, oral processing simulation of PP sorbents and product properties of meatball were undertaken. Fresh PP (52.11-59.59% fibre) was dried and grounded as fine powder of 125 and 250 μm. Making of aerogel templates involved mixing of PP powder (5-10%) with water to create PP emulsions, which were heated at 95°C for 2 hours. The heat-treated PP emulsions were freeze-dried at -80°C for 72 hours, forming aerogel templates alike sponges. Self-standing oleogel-like substances were formed when they were combined with rice bran oil. The aerogel templating method significantly reduces the required PP concentration (6.66-11.30%) as compared to the direct mixing method (25-35% PP powder). The particle size and PP content influenced the sorbents’ characteristics. SEM micrographs revealed a co-existing meso- and micro-pore systems in the aerogel templates containing 5-8% PP, while a sheet-like structure emerged at 9-10% PP, leading to denser and firmer aerogels. These sheet-like structures greatly enhance hardness but decrease the oil binding capacity of aerogel templates. The 250 μm aerogel templates exhibited higher porosity and oil holding capacity but lower density compared to those of 125 μm templates. This difference may be attributed to the presence of more mesopores in 250 μm aerogels. The oleogel-like sorbents exhibit hard texture and minimal oil loss, showing potential as fat replacers. An oral processing simulation was conducted to investigate the mouthfeel of PP-based sorbents. They were combined with artificial saliva at 1:1 ratio and stirred at 300 rpm for 2 minutes at 37°C. The sorbents had a high friction coefficient (0.952-3.850) at a sliding rate of 0.1 mm/s. When sliding rate increased to 10 mm/s, the friction coefficients of sorbents with low PP content (5-8%) decreased 50% while those with high PP content remained constant. This suggests that sorbents with high PP content (9-10%) are less prone to oral breakdown. The particle size determination of bolus proved that 125μm oleogel-like sorbents have lower friction forces than 250μm sorbents due to smaller bolus sizes. These findings imply that oleogel-like sorbents at lower PP concentrations may serve as effective fat replacers. Further, low PP-content (5-8%) oleogel-like sorbents were employed as fat replacers in the formulation of meat balls, resulting in significantly reduced cooking loss against pork fat-containing counterparts. Micropores were observed in the oleogel-like sorbents-based meatball samples, which likely contributed to this functionality improvement. Additionally, these oleogel-like meatballs exhibited comparable coloration and pH values to those made with pork fat.

125Tuning pea protein gelling properties by modification with phenolic compounds

Iris Faber1, Laurice Pouvreau2, Atze Jan van der Goot1, Julia Keppler1

1 Laboratory of Food Process Engineering, Wageningen University, 6708 WG, the Netherlands
2 Food and Biobased Research, Wageningen University & Research, 6708 WG, the Netherlands
Introduction: Pea proteins have shown inferior structuring properties as compared to animal proteins which limits their application in plant-based dairy and meat alternatives without using additives. Recently, researchers demonstrated that protein techno-functionality could be enhanced when conjugation with phenolics was applied [1]. The outcome was highly dependent on the phenolic compound type used, the reaction conditions as well as the protein source. Gel structure formation is most relevant for meat and cheese alternatives. However, knowledge about how phenolic compound addition affects the gelling capacity of pea proteins is lacking. We hypothesize that their functionality can be altered depending on the phenolic compound selected and the quantity added.

Methods: Conjugation of phenolic compounds with pea proteins was induced via autooxidation. A selection of phenolic compounds was made based on similar structural units, increasing molecular weight and hydroxyl groups, and thus their capacity to facilitate cross-links between proteins. Conjugates were prepared with fixed protein content and varying phenolic concentrations (0 – 4 mM) to study the dependency of the quantity of attached phenolic components (degree of modification) on the gelling properties. Rheology was used to study the gelling properties under both small (SAOS) and large (LAOS) amplitude oscillatory shear. Changes in gelation were correlated to changes in the physicochemical properties of the pea proteins with SDS-PAGE, TNBS, and Ellman’s assay and solubility.

Results: Covalent binding of phenolics to pea proteins was confirmed by the decrease in binding sites and solubility and increased phenolic concentration of conjugates (after removal of free phenolics with dialysis). This was related to an increasing degree of protein modification. Confirming our hypothesis, the gel strength could be increased 16-fold (from 3.0 to 48 kPa), with the relative increase depending on the degree of modification and the type of phenolic compound used. Additionally, the elasticity of the gels could be increased by adding phenolics to a concentration of up to 1.36 g/L (3.8 wt% of the protein mass). The elasticity decreased after surpassing this critical modification level.

Overall, our findings contribute towards tuning of the functionality of plant proteins with natural plant-inherent compounds for the development of future alternatives for meat and dairy.

[1] J. K. Keppler, K. Schwarz, and A. J. van der Goot, 'Covalent modification of food proteins by plant-based ingredients (polyphenols and organosulphur compounds): A commonplace reaction with novel utilization potential,' Trends Food Sci Technol, vol. 101, pp. 38-49, Jul. 2020, doi: 10.1016/J.TIFS.2020.04.023

217Cell wall polysaccharides from taewa (Māori potatoes) for feeding the infant microbiota

Cara A. Luiten 1* , Nancy J. Rehrer2, Nick R. Roskruge3, Saii A. Semese3, Anne-Louise M. Heath4, Gerald W. Tannock5, Tracy L. Perry6, Simon F. R. Hinkley1 and Ian M. Sims1*

1The Ferrier Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
2School of Physical Education Sport & Exercise Sciences, University of Otago, Dunedin, NewZealand
3Tāhuri Whenua Inc. Soc, PO Box 1458, Palmerston North, New Zealand
4Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
5Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
6Division of Sciences, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Weaning is a period of marked change in infant development. The gut microbial community undergoes ecological succession towards a more adult-like composition. The choice of foods introduced during weaning can have a major influence on gut microbiota composition and immune development which, in turn, may have consequences for long-term health outcomes. During weaning poor sleep can affect infant health, as well as having a negative impact on parents. A recent study showed that propionate, a short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) produced by bacterial fermentation of non-digestible carbohydrates in the colon, was associated with longer uninterrupted sleep in infants (Heath et al. 2020). Further, in co-culture experiments of selected human colonic bacterial species, propionate, as a proportion of total SCFAs, was increased when polysaccharide mixtures containing galactan were supplied (Liu et al., 2020).

Potato cell walls contain high proportions of galactan side-chains attached to rhamnose moieties of rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I). Taewa (Solanum sp. or Māori potatoes) are pre-colonial varieties of potatoes still grown by the indigenous Māori community in Aotearoa New Zealand. They generally have higher dietary fibre contents than modern commercial varieties and, presumably, higher contents of cell wall material. Thus, we were interested to know if taewa cell walls contain similarly greater amounts galactan as side-chains of RG-I.

In collaboration with Tāhuri Whenua (National Māori Vegetable Growers Collective) three varieties of taewa: moemoe, tūtaekurī and huakaroro, were chosen for this study, as well as a modern commercial potato variety (Agria) for comparison. Cell walls were isolated and de-starched by repeated treatment with α-amylase, amyloglucosidase and pullulanase. Constituent sugar compositions were determined using high-performance anion-exchange chromatography (HPAEC) after methanolysis and acid hydrolysis. The galactose content of cell wall material from unpeeled taewa was higher than that of unpeeled Agria potatoes, representing up to 36 % w/w of the cell wall material, while that of peeled taewa was more variable; the galactose content of huakaroro and tūtaekurī was almost 40 % w/w of the cell wall material, but that of moemoe was only 24 % w/w of the cell wall material. Overall, the highest galactose contents per 50 g fresh weight were found in unpeeled and peeled tūtaekurī and unpeeled huakaroro.

To analyse the composition and structure of the cell wall polysaccharides further, destarched cell walls were sequentially treated with chelator and increasing concentrations of base to give pectic and hemicellulose fractions. The structures of the polysaccharides were analysed by glycosyl linkage analysis following reduction of uronic acid residues to their equivalent dideuterated neutral sugars. The results of these analyses will be reported.

Our research suggests that taewa varieties tūtaekurī and huakaroro contain high proportions of galactan and may be a candidate for developing weaning foods from a traditional food source which could benefit both infants and their parents, through improved sleep.

Heath A-L, Haszard J, Galland B, Lawley B, Rehrer N, Drummond L, Sims I, …. and Tannock G. 2020. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 79: 1362-1365.
Liu Y, Heath A-L, Galland B, Rehrer N,…. Sims I, and Tannock G. 2020. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86: e01905-19.

146Modification of pectin structure and improvement of pectin gelling capacity by high-pressure processing treatment of fresh orange peel prior to pectin extraction

Wei Zhao1*, Yixiang Xu2, Christina Dorado1, Hoa K. Chau3, Arland T. Hotchkiss3, Madhav P. Yadav3, and Randall G. Cameron1

1USDA-ARS, US Horticultural Research Laboratory, 2001 S. Rock Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34945, USA
2USDA-ARS, Western Regional Research Center, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany, CA 94710, USA
3USDA-ARS, Eastern Regional Research Center, 600 E. Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, USA
The possibility of utilizing endogenous plant pectin methyl-esterase (PME) to modify pectin in source material prior to pectin extraction is proposed and explored in this study. Fresh orange (Hamlin) peel from a local commercial juice plant was pretreated with high-pressure processing (HPP) at different combinations of pressures and durations, followed by pectin extraction with a commercial method. The effects of HPP pretreatments on pectin yield and structural properties of the extracted pectins were determined. HPP pretreatment increased the yield of subsequent pectin extraction by 41.10 %. Crude extracts from HPP-treated peels showed higher PME activities than the untreated peel. Pectins extracted from HPP pretreated peel (Hp) had a lower degree of methyl-esterification (DM), accompanied by an increase in degree of blockiness (DB) of non-esterified galacturonic acid (GalA) than the control (pectin extracted from un-treated peel). GalA content and linearity of pectin (LP) were higher, while neutral sugar content and degree of branching (DBr) were lower in Hp. The reduction in weight average molecular weight of Hp was minor, and it was positively correlated with a reduction in neutral sugars, indicating an effect of pectin debranching without degradation of the pectin main chain. The effects of HPP on the pectin main chain, degree, and distribution of methyl-esterification in this study were similar to the reported effects of orange PME on extracted pectin. The identified pectin structural features were validated by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy analysis and a newly developed lateral flow assay. The functionalities of Hp were evaluated and compared with commercial low methoxy (LM) and high methoxy (HM) pectins. The calcium sensitivity of Hp was comparable to that of commercial LM pectin, which was remarkably higher than the control pectin and commercial HM pectin. Hp had a dramatically higher gelling capacity for calcium-mediated gelation than the control and commercial HM pectin. The strength and viscoelastic properties of Hp-calcium gels were comparable to that of commercial LM pectin. Meanwhile, most of the Hp also showed a comparable gelling capacity for sugar-acid-mediated gelation to that of the control and commercial HM pectin. Hp also had higher emulsifying stability than the control and commercial pectins. The study reveals a great potential of modifying pectin in source plant material by HPP pretreatment to produce high-quality pectin with increased gelling capacity and a broadened scope of applications.

118Effects of steam explosion on the structural characterization and regulating gut microbiota of polysaccharides from Hericium erinaceus

Yanfang Liu1, Shuang Chen2, Liping Liu1, Qingbin Guo2, Jie Feng1, Jingsong Zha1

1Institute of Edible Fungi, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403, China
2Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin, 300457, China
Hericium erinaceus (H. erinaceus) was a traditional edible and medicinal fungus in China, which was rich in active components. Polysaccharides, as one of the main active substances had attracted much attention due to its extensive biological activities. In order to improve the preparation efficiency of polysaccharides from H. erinaceus, steam explosion (SE) was applied to pretreat the H. erinaceus fruiting body and the crude polysaccharides components were obtained by hot water extraction, then the corresponding extraction yield and physicochemical properties were analyzed. Based on the structural characterization of polysaccharide components obtained before and after SE treatment and the comparison on gut microbiota (GM) regulation function, the influence of SE technology on H. erinaceus polysaccharides as well as the relationship between the structure of the polysaccharides and the regulation function of GM were clarified. The results indicated that the yield, the total sugar and β-glucan content of polysaccharides extracted by SE pretreatment (HEQ) reached 29.08%, 60.45% and 51.58%, respectively, which were 3.45, 1.52 and 1.49 times higher than those of fractions obtained by conventional crushing treatment (HEW). SE treatment also reduced the molecular weight of HEP and released small molecular fractions, as reflected by the elution profiles from HPSEC. During in vitro fermentation (by human feces) process, it was demonstrated that HEP from SE treated and untreated samples both demonstrated capability in regulating gut microbiota (GM) by improving the abundance of beneficial bacteria such as Firmicutes and the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), while reducing the abundance of harmful bacteria such as Escherichia-shigella. Moreover, HEQ could increase the production of acetic, propionic and total SCFAs, while the HEW could better increase the production of n-butyric acids. Further purification and structure analysis demonstrated that W20E separated from HEW and fractions (Q5E and Q10E) purified from HEQ by ethanol precipitation were all glucans with molecular weight higher than 106 g/mol, and all three fractions were β-glucans with →3)-β-Glcp-(1→ as the main chain and β-Glcp-(1→ connected to O-6 of →3)-β-Glcp-(1→ as the branch chain, but the ratios of main chain to branched chain exhibited different and were 3:1, 4:1 and 2:1, respectively. The GM regulating activities of different purified fractions showed that W20E and Q5E mainly composed of →3)-β-Glcp-(1→, significantly increased the abundance of beneficial bacterias such as Megamonas and Bacteroides. The new components from the SE treatment, Q45E and Q60E, which were composed of →6)-Glcp-(1→ and a small amount of →4)-Glcp-(1→ or →4)-β-Galp-(1→, mainly increased the yield of propionic acids and acetic acids by improving the abundance of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides. The findings of this study provide a reference for the efficient extraction and preparation of HEP, and highlighting its potential application in modulating GM.

213Dietary Fiber from chia and basil Seeds: Interventions against metabolic syndrome

Camila Farías1, Camila Cisternas2, Héctor Calderón3, Rodrigo Valenzuela1, Loreto Muñoz3*

1Department of Nutrition, School of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
2 Facultad de Ciencias para el Cuidado de la Salud, Universidad San Sebastián, Puerto Montt, Chile.
3Food Science Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
The rising incidence of metabolic syndrome has intensified the search for dietary interventions that can counteract its associated health risks. Dietary fiber, particularly from novel sources, is of growing interest for its protective effects. This study focuses on the fiber-rich fractions, derived from partially defatted chia and basil seeds, and their potential to combat insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis induced by a high-fat diet. Additionally, examining their influence on tissue n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in mice was assessed.

Male C57BL/6J mice were divided into five groups: a control diet group, a high-fat diet group, and three groups receiving a high-fat diet supplemented with 20% w/w of oat, chia, or basil seed meal, respectively, over 12 weeks. The high-fat diet induced significant metabolic disruptions and reduced SCFA production. In contrast, the diet supplemented with fiber-rich fractions from both, chia and basil seeds improved biochemical markers, reduced hepatic steatosis, and elevated n-3 PUFA levels in tissues and increase significanly SCFA levels in feces. Notably, the effects of chia and basil were comparable to those of oatmeal, a well-known dietary fiber source.

These findings underscore the therapeutic potential of chia and basil seed hydrocolloids in managing metabolic syndrome, offering promising dietary strategies for those at risk.

This work was carried out with the financial support of FONDECYT regular grant 1201489 from the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID), Chile.

117Rational design of suitable emulsion-based system for protection and delivery of probiotics

Qiaomei Zhu, Peiyang Li, Fu Chen, Qingbin Guo

College of Food Science and Engineering, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin, 300457, P.R.China.
The gelation of aqueous phase was an effective strategy to improve the water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions. In present study, the single whey protein isolate (WPI) gel, high acyl gellan gum(HG) and WPI-HG composite gel at varied WPI concentrations in the water phase within W/O emulsions were prepared, to explore the different gel structures on the stability of emulsion system and the survival of encapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum. The obtained results indicated that the WPI-HG composite gel had a superior effect to the single WPI or HG gel in stabilization of W/O emulsion, due to the decrease in droplet sizes and an increase in viscoelasticity. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and Cryo-SEM observations confirmed that the probiotics were completely wrapped by the WPI-HG composite gel network, and the gel structure became more compact with increased WPI concentrations. Moreover, when the WPI concentration was higher than 4.0wt.%, the WPI-HG gel in the internal aqueous phase contributed to a tremendous improvement in survival rate of Lactobacillus plantarum during a 6-month storage period and against the thermal damage and harsh gastrointestinal condition. The reason was attributed to the strengthened network structure and lower water activity in composite gel, which could slow down the heat diffusion and reduce the penetration of digestive enzyme into the emulsion droplets. The present study could provide valuable insight for the rational design of stable W/O emulsion as an effective probiotics carrier system, which also contributed to the development of probiotic-enriched food products.

160Wood hemicelluloses as sustainable, natural and effective hydrocolloids for production of functional food products

Ho, T.M.1,2, Halahlah, A.1, Suutari, E.1, Lehtonen, M.1, Suhonen, H.3, Yousefvand, A.2,4, Saris, P.E.J.4, Piironen, V.1, Mikkonen, K.S.1,2

1Department of Food and Nutrition, P.O. Box 66, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland.
2Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), P.O. Box 65, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland.
3Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 55, FI-00560, Helsinki, Finland.
4Department of Microbiology, P.O. Box 56, FIN-00014, University of Helsinki, Finland
The Nordic region's total forest area is approximately 64 million hectares, accounting for 34% of Europe's forest area and 1.6% of the global total. Annually, around 80 million tonnes of forest products − such as sawn wood, pellets, pulp, and paper − are produced, generating substantial solid by-products like wood chips, sawdust, and slabs. These by-products offer abundant and economical sources for extracting hemicelluloses, which make up 25−35% of dry wood mass. Utilizing safe and environmentally-friendly pressurized hot water extraction, significant quantities of hemicelluloses have been successfully recovered from these materials. Finnish biorefining industries have been exploring technology and production lines for scaling up and high-throughput production of wood hemicelluloses, indicating their potential commercial viability in the near future. While the use of wood hemicelluloses as food ingredients has yet to be approved by the European Food Safety Authority, in vitro and in vivo testing suggests their suitability. Wood hemicelluloses exhibit beneficial properties, including excellent emulsifying capabilities, low viscosity at high solid concentrations, high thermal stability, a high content of phenolic compounds, and prebiotic properties. These attributes underscore their potential as effective protective materials for the spray-dried microencapsulation of bioactive compounds in the production of various functional food products. Here, we investigated the applicability of softwood galactoglucomannans (GGM) and hardwood glucuronoxylan (GX) to protect anthocyanins from bilberries, polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich oil (PUFA), and probiotics from heat impact during spray drying and environmental stressors during storage, aiming to produce functional powders. The use of wood hemicelluloses could bring antioxidant and prebiotic properties to the powders.

Stable and homogenous feed dispersions, containing GGM/GX and bioactive compounds, were prepared using magnetic stirring (for bilberry juice/probiotics) or high-pressure homogenization (for PUFA) and spray-dried using a laboratory-scale spray dryer. The results showed that both GGM and GX retained 71−73% anthocyanins, 63−98% oil, and 85−98% probiotics, depending on the spray drying conditions and feed dispersion formulations. These retention rates were comparable to those of other commonly used materials−maltodextrin and gum Arabic−highlighting their potential as a superior alternative to current protective materials, which are costly, derived from unsustainable sources, and do not provide additional health benefits.. All the microcapsule powders had low water activities (<0.2), an average size of 10─50 µm, a spherical shape, and a smooth surface, indicating good protection of the bioactive compounds by GGM and GX. By using atomic force microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and X-ray microtomography, we developed new methods to confirm microcapsule formation, determine the protective layer of hemicelluloses (2−2.5 µm), and map the distribution of bioactive compounds within the microcapsules. Storage stability studies indicated that the suitable relative humidity for the long-term storage of wood hemicelluloses-based bioactive compounds was 75% for PUFA microcapsules and 11% for bilberry and probiotic microcapsules. Overall, wood hemicelluloses could be excellent materials for the production of functional and healthy powders for food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries where highly stable products are required.

170Interaction and association behavior of electrolyte polysaccharide and whey protein

Yoshiaki Yuguchi1*, Aoi Tsujino1, Thanh Thi Thu Thuy2

1Osaka Electro-Communication University, Neyagawa, Osaka, Japan
2Institute of Chemistry, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Vietnam
We can find electrolyte polysaccharide with carboxylate and/or sulfate groups in seaweeds, for example, alginate, carrageenan, fucoidan and so on. They are applied for food additives or supplement. For example, carrageenan is a sulfate polysaccharide extracted from red seaweed. Its aqueous solutions undergo thermoreversible sol-gel transition by formation or deformation of double helix structure. As another example, alginate is extracted from brown seaweed, and has carboxylic acid groups. It takes place gelation by addition of calcium ions by coordinating them with carboxylic acid sites on saccharide chains. The observation of these kinds of structural features is important for comprehension of apparent phenomena and functionalization. Fucoidan has physiological activities as anticoagulant, immunomodulatory, antitumor, etc. The mechanism of these effects is complicated and not clear. One approach to solve it is to study the interaction of electrolyte polysaccharide and key protein as signal molecule.

One powerful method for structural characterization of the polysaccharides and their interaction and complexation with protein is small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), which is available for analyzing nano-scale structure in solution and/or gel. In this work, the SAXS was performed to analyze the associated structure. The time-resolved SAXS during making low pH by addition of gluconolactone (GDL) was also carried out. The interaction and complex structure of electrolyte polysaccharide and protein were studied as model system. The carrageenan or fucoidan mixed with beta-lactoglobulin (beta-Lg) were used for samples. The results indicated that the mixture solution becomes turbid at low pH, indicating the aggregation. The variation of SAXS pattern indicated the aggregation process of electrolyte polysaccharide and protein at nano-order level.

224Comprehensive evaluation of the prebiotic properties of konjac glucomannan during in vitro fermentation via multi-omics analysis

Yonggan Sun, Shanshan Zhang, Huijun He, Shaoping Nie

State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Resources, China-Canada Joint Lab of Food Science and Technology, Key Laboratory of Bioactive Polysaccharides of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330047, China
Introduction: Konjac glucomannan (KGM), extracted from the tubers of Konjac, is a water-soluble dietary fiber known for its high viscosity, strong satiety effect, and low caloric content. It is widely used as a thickener and stabilizer in the food industry. The main chain of KGM consists of β-(1 → 4)-linked D-glucosyl and D-mannosyl residues, with branches through β-(1 → 6)-glucosyl units. In recent years, a substantial amount of research has indicated that KGM has beneficial effects on human health through its interaction with the gut microbiota. Studies have reported that KGM can potentially improve type 2 diabetes by regulating the gut microbiota, although its underlying prebiotic characteristics remain unclear. This study aimed to investigate the prebiotic properties of KGM during in vitro fermentation of T2DM patients via multi-omics analysis.

Method: In this study, the characteristics of KGM were determined by high-performance gel-permeation chromatography (HPGPC) and high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD). The KGM degradation by gut microbiota from 30 T2DM patients was characterized by investigating the change of KGM, microbiota composition, and the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), lactic acid, succinic acid, as well as volatile organic metabolites.

Results: The results revealed that KGM was efficiently degraded by gut microbiota. The fermentation of all fibers led to a significant increase in the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and a reduction in branched-chain fatty acids (BCFAs) and indole. Moreover, the abundance of unclassified Enterobacteriaceae, which was positively correlated with indole levels, was significantly reduced by KGM. Additionally, KGM specifically promoted the growth of Parabacteroides.

Discussion: These results deepen our comprehension of how KGM influences the gut microbiota and its associated metabolites. Provide valuable insights and data support for applying KGM in improving T2DM.

219The glucolipid metabolism effects of three sources of β-glucan on metabolic syndrome mice

Jingrui Yang, Huizi Tan, Shaoping Nie

State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Resources, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China
Introduction: The study shows the differences in the effects of three different sources of β-glucan on host metabolism in mice with metabolic syndrome to provide a theoretical basis for precise nutritional intervention in diseases.

Method: The study focused on three β-glucan on metabolic syndrome phenotypes, liver oxidative stress, and liver inflammation levels, and host serum and liver metabolic differences.

Result: The results showed that all three different sources of glucan improved the metabolic syndrome phenotype to some extent, including body weight, blood pressure, FBG, and LDL-C. The best effect was found with the barley source of β-glucan. Barley glucan also showed the best improvement in the level of hepatic oxidative stress and inflammation when comparing oat and barley glucans. In addition, in the lipid metabolome analysis of the liver, it was found that the lipid metabolic profiles changed significantly after the intervention of glucan, combined with the qPCR measurement of liver lipid-related indexes, it was found that some of the indexes changed significantly after the intervention of barley glucan.

Different dietary components alter the composition of the gut microbiota. A key question is what kind of dietary interventions can protect against or promote the development of diseases such as obesity and metabolic syndrome through these changes. The study indicates that β-glucan improves metabolic syndrome to a certain extent by improving the expression and metabolism of liver lipid-related genes of the hosts to alleviate the development of the disease. Previous studys on dietary influences on disease has focused on the gut-improving effects of metabolites (SCFAs, etc.) produced by gut microbiota. The study focuses on the hepatic effects. By comparing the hepatic effects of different sources of β-glucans of the same structure, we found that some polysaccharides from natural sources may be more effective in the hepatic effects. The above findings indicate that glucan is significantly effective in lipid gene expression and metabolism in the liver, expanding the idea of polysaccharides to improve diseases and providing a theoretical basis for the intervention of diseases related to lipid deterioration in the liver.

186Intact Pulse Cells: a Potential Prebiotics for the Gut

Weiyan Xiong, Sushil Dhital

Monash University, Clayton Campus, VIC, 3800, Australia
Macronutrients including the starch of pulses are stored in the cotyledon cells with protection from intact cell walls, which is the smallest unit of whole seeds. The intact cellular structure contributes to a lower extent/rate of digestion of entrapped starch, this kind of starch is defined as the natural type 1 resistant starch (RS). After upper gastrointestinal (GI) digestion, the undigested RS1 will be sent to the colon to modulate the population and diversity of microbiota, favouring the increased production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). These prebiotics effects of pulse intact cells were proved by in-vitro fermentation using human faecal inoculum. Compared to the mechanically disrupted pulse cells, the intact pulse cells showed different fermentation profiles. From the results, the abundance of Roseburia, which is a good butyrate producer increased corresponding to the higher production of butyrate. In order to further prove the prebiotics effects of pulse intact cells in-vivo, the intact chickpea cells were added to the mice's food and the pre-gelled starch was used as the control diet. From the microscopic results, some intact cells still retained in the mice distal colon content confirmed that the starch encapsulated in the cell wall can escape the digestion of the upper GI tract and act as a fermentable substrate for the gut microbiota. For investigating the effects of intact chickpea cells on the gut microbiota composition and their metabolites, the microbiota composition of mice cecum content was analysed with 16s sequencing, the relative abundance of Faecalibaculu, Lachnospiraceae NK4a136 group and Roseburia which are the SCFAs producers showed much higher in the chickpea diet compared to the control diet. Meanwhile, the SCFAs concentration was evaluated with NMR, the SCFAs including acetate, propionate and butyrate levels all showed higher in the chickpea diet group compared to the control diet group. These results all underscore the prebiotics effects of natural RS1 and is crucial for the design of functional foods enriched with natural RS1 thereby promoting health.

220Effects of three HG-type pectins on mice with metabolic syndrome

Song Li, Huizi Tan, Jingrui Yang, Hong Yao, Xinke Nie, Xiaomao Peng, Qionglian Liu, Wanyu Yang, Guohui Liu, Shuigen Bian, Junyi Yin, Shaoping Nie*

State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Resources, China-Canada Joint Laboratory of Food Science and Technology (Nanchang), Key Laboratory of Bioactive Polysaccharides of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330047, China
Introduction: Pectin, as a class of dietary fibre, has received increasing attention in recent years for its ameliorative effects on metabolic diseases. However, due to the diversity of structural types of pectin, there are differences in the modulatory effects of pectin with different structural characteristics on metabolic diseases. The intrinsic mechanism by which pectin from different sources regulate metabolic syndrome due to their different structural characteristics involving their interaction networks with gut microbiota and host metabolism is unknown and deserves to be explored in depth.

Method: We selected three different sources of HG-type pectins, including apple pectin(AP), citrus pectin(CP) and pomelo pectin(PP), and investigated their effects on disease phenotypes, inflammatory factors, oxidative stress, and serum hormones in mice with metabolic syndrome. In addition, we combined genomics and metabolomics to uncover potential key bacteria and key metabolites. Finally, we explored the relationship between structural characteristics of pectins, gut microbiota and metabolic syndrome.

Results: We found that three pectins diversely improved metabolic syndrome in mice. These improved indicators were associated with gut microbiota and derived beneficial metabolites. All three pectins were significantly enriched in Bacteroides and Bacteroides acidifaciens. Besides, Bacteriodes, Lactococcus and Lachnoclostriclum may mediate the ameliorative effect of AP on metabolic syndrome. Colidextribacter, Bacteriodes, Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136_group, Lachnoclostriclum may mediate the ameliorative effect of CP on metabolic syndrome. Lachnospiraceae _NK4A136_group, Bacteriodes and Mucispirillum may mediate the ameliorative effect of PP on metabolic syndrome. Beneficial metabolites positively associated with these microbiota such as arachidonic acid, kynurenic acid, lithocholic acid, deoxycholic acid, and indoleacetic acid may be the effector molecules that mediate the improvement of pectins in metabolic syndrome. Finally, molecular weight, esterification, and monosaccharide composition of pectins exerted profound implications for metabolic syndrome phenotypes, gut microbiota and metabolism.

Discussion: This study provides an association between structural characteristics of pectins, gut microbiota, and metabolic syndrome, which promotes the precision

154Modelling the impact of receptor - bioactive interactions on bioactive diffusion in novel liquid delivery systems

Lloyd Condict & Stefan Kasapis

School of Science, RMIT University, Bundoora West Campus, Plenty Road, Melbourne, VIC, 3083, Australia
The ability to predict the diffusional release parameters of therapeutic/bioactive compounds is critical in the development of novel pharmaceuticals/functional foods with controlled delivery mechanisms. Current mathematical modelling of diffusive behaviour in semi to high solid, network forming systems, makes an excellent account of variables such as the geometry, volume, surface area pore size, boundary conditions, excipient-bioactive coupling/decoupling etc., to effectively predict diffusive release [1,2,3]. However, in liquid like systems, i.e., in the absence of a three dimensional structure, there is a gap in the understanding of how interactions between a receptor and a diffusant may be exploited to control the diffusive release of a bioactive. Recent work, using a combined in silico and benchtop approach, has effectively demonstrated that receptor - bioactive interactions may have a non-negligible effect on diffusive behaviour in dilute systems, with diffusion rate being impeded by a factor relative to the protein-bioactive interaction strength [4].

The present work expands on these findings, proposing that this effect is likely due to the smaller ligand, taking on an effective radius of the combined host – ligand complex for the duration of a binding interaction, hence reducing its diffusion rate in accordance with the Stokes – Einstein equation. Given this, effective modelling of ligand diffusion rate must take into account the reduced diffusion rate of the molecules which are bound to the host. To do so a modified version of the Stokes – Einstein equation is developed and tested on a model bovine lactoferrin – polysaccharide system. Dynamic analysis of the system is performed using guided pulling simulations and umbrella sampling techniques in the presence of multiple protein molecules. Binding constants derived from these in silico techniques are in good agreement with benchtop results obtained via intrinsic fluorescence quenching.

Incorporation of the binding constants into the modified Stokes – Einstein equation demonstrates an improved fit to the experimentally determined diffusive release of the ligand. This work provides a model to account for molecular interactions in relation to bioactive diffusion kinetics that may be applied to a range of pharmaceutically relevant excipient protein systems. Thus, helping to address some of the complex issues faced by the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industry, who require more robust predictive models for the development of novel, therapeutics.

1Siepmann, J., & Siepmann, F. (2012). Modeling of diffusion controlled drug delivery. Journal of Controlled Release, 161(2), 351–362.
2Panyoyai, N., & Kasapis, S. (2016). A free-volume interpretation of the decoupling parameter in bioactive-compound diffusion from a glassy polymer. Food Hydrocolloids, 54, 338–341.
3Teimouri, S., & Kasapis, S. (2022). Mechanistic interpretation of vitamin B6 transport from swelling matrices of genipin-crosslinked gelatin, BSA and WPI. Food Hydrocolloids, 123, 107195.
4Condict, L., Elliott, S., Hung, A., Ashton, J., & Kasapis, S. (2024). Interfacing β-casein – Phenolic compound interactions via molecular dynamics simulations with diffusion kinetics in delivery vehicles. Food Chemistry, 435, 137595.

158Exploring and Modulating the Prebiotic Potential of Plant Cell Wall Fibers by non-covalently bound Polyphenols

Julia D. Bechtner1, Ivan M. Lopez-Rodulfo1, Pablo Gallego-Lobillo1, Jiri Hosek2, Clarissa Schwab2, Mario M. Martinez1,3

1Centre for Innovative Food (CiFOOD), Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Agro Food Park 48, Aarhus N 8200, Denmark
2Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology, Aarhus University, Gustav Wieds Vej 10 A, Aarhus C 8000, Denmark
3 Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Valladolid, Avda. Madrid 50, Palencia 34004, Spain
Polyphenols (PPs) can interact with Plant Cell Wall (PCW) polysaccharides, with most PPs in fruits and vegetables being bound to the PCW when plant cells rupture either during consumption or processing. Thus, PCWs play an important role in transporting PPs to various sites of action during gastrointestinal digestion, as well as to the proximal colon, where microorganisms can release and metabolize PCW polysaccharides and PPs. Yet, it is still elusive whether PP-PCW interactions cause sustained changes in microbiota composition and activity and affect the prebiotic potential of dietary fibers. Due to the high diversity of PPs and PCWs, studies on the three-way interaction among PPs, PCW polysaccharides and gut microorganisms are often highly reduced in complexity. In this work, we synthesized multicomponent cellulose hydrogels using Komagataeibacter xylinus, incorporating both pectin and xyloglucan to improve our understanding of PP-PCW interactions by imitating the real food system apple. The dynamics and partitioning profiles of PP binding during soaking in a PP extract from apple were studied via UHPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS, identifying 42 PPs. Flavonol glycosides were overall most strongly retained by the PCWs. In vitro fermentations using fecal slurries as inoculum were performed on selected three-component PCWs, with and without bound PPs. Microbiota composition and fermentation activity were monitored by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) analysis. We detected a decrease in bound PPs during the early phase of fermentation with complete depletion after 5 h. The formation of SCFAs was only slightly influenced by both fiber and PPs in comparison to control fermentations. Moreover, the presence of PCW polysaccharides and PPs impacted the abundance of various microbial families. Whether these compositional changes were facilitated more by PCW polysaccharides than PPs and vice versa was shown to be highly dependent on the initial microbial community before treatment. This work not only provides novel insights into the microbial response to PPs non-covalently bound to food polysaccharide matrices, but also gives new insights into the role of food structural composition in transporting dietary PPs to the colon, laying the basis for finetuning prebiotic formulations with PPs non-covalently bound to dietary fibers.

153Understanding the effect of exogenous pectin and arabinoxylans on the chemical stability of apple plant cell wall-bound polyphenols during baking

Maria Franco1,2, Ivan M. Lopez-Rodulfo1, Federico Bianchi1, Manuel Gomez2, Mario M. Martinez1,2*

1Center for Innovative Food (CiFOOD), Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, AgroFood Park 48, Aarhus N 8200, Denmark.
2Food Technology Area, College of Agricultural Engineering, University of Valladolid, Avda. Madrid, 34004, Palencia, Spain.
The well-known health-promoting effects of polyphenols (PPs) are determined by their interactions with major macromolecules within the food matrix, which can impact both their release along the gastrointestinal tract (i.e., bioaccesibility) and their chemical stability during food processing events, such as baking. PPs can interact with Plant Cell Wall (PCW) polysaccharides, with most PPs in fruits and vegetables being bound to the PCW when it is ruptured either during mastication or processing. This positions fruit pomaces as unique hydrocolloids comprising PCW material impregnated with vacuolar PPs. Despite the abundance of fruit pomaces, the challenges associated with their disposal, and their unique PP content and profiles, the chemical stability pomace PPs during conventional food processing remains poorly understood. Bread represents a staple food whose ingredients have undergone a history of unit operations, such as kneading, oxygenation, proofing and hydrothermal events, all potentially impacting PP stability and jeopardizing the upcycling of fruit pomaces for their PP-associated benefits. This study aims to provide mechanistic insights of the chemical stability of PPs bound to PCW material, as occurs in apple pomace, at individual PP and subclass levels during baking using a non-targeted screening and semi-quantification of PP via LC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS. Moreover, considering the potential of polysaccharides to bind PPs, breads were also formulated with pectin (consisting of a negatively charged polyuronide backbone) or psyllium arabinoxylan (consisting of a comb-like highly branched structure made from ? -1,4-linked D-Xyl p backbone with side chains nearly exclusively comprising arabinose and xylose residues), to understand their potential to stabilize pomace-bound PPs in bread formulations. Additionally, changes in texture, moisture content, and water distribution caused by the addition of PPs and exogenous fibers were studied. Dough and bread formulations were prepared using 100% wheat bread (W), or with 5% psyllium arabinoxylan (PSY) or 5% pectin (P) substitutions, all with and without 5% apple pomace. 47 different polyphenols were identified, consisting of hydroxybenzoic acids (HBAs) and hydroxycinnamic acids (HCAs), flavanols (DP1-4) and (DP5-7), flavonols, and dihydrochalcones. Results show that in formulations without PSY or P, all PPs subclasses were degraded after baking, with flavanols (DP1-4), flavonols, and dihydrochalcones being the most labile. In formulations containing PSY, flavonols (DP1-4) and dihydrochalcones showed greater contents after baking, indicating a protecting effect from PSY only on those PP subclasses. On the contrary, all PPs displayed greater contents after baking when P was present, indicating a protecting effect of pectin on all PP subclasses. Specially, pectin resulted in 50% protection of HBAs and more than 20% protection of flavonols and flavanols (DP1-4), such as, quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside and quercetin 3-O-xyloside. Moreover, crumb softness and moisture content were restored with the incorporation of exogenous P and PSY.

119Structure identification and bioactivity studies of polysaccharides from Ganoderma lucidum

Jingsong Zhang, Yanfang Liu, Liping Liu, Jie Feng, Xiaofan Shi, Jing Liu

Institute of Edible Fungi, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403, China
The medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum (G. lucidum) has been widely used in the development of functional foods and pharmaceuticals due to its bioactivities. Recent studies demonstrate that polysaccharides from G. lucidum play an important role in immunomodulating and anti-tumor activities. However, the differences on the material sources and purification methods led to the complexity and diversity of polysaccharide structures. The molecular size, side chain glucosyl units, backbone linkage and degree of branching of polysaccharides were found to be related to their biological activities. In the present study, the molecular weight distribution characteristics of water-extracted crude polysaccharides from the fruiting bodies of 112 G. lucidum strains were systematically analyzed. HPSEC-MALLS-RI analysis showed that GLP1 (2.97×106 ~ 5.47×106 g/mol), GLP2 (2.15×106 ~ 5.73×106 g/mol) and GLP3 (1.75×103 ~ 1.14×104 g/mol) were the main polysaccharides in the fruiting bodies of different strains, and GLP3 was the common fraction of all strains, while GLP2 and GLP1 were distributed differently in samples. The cultivar of ‘Hunong No. 4’ rich in polysaccharides were used to separate polysaccharide fractions. Six homogeneous polysaccharides were purified by ethanol precipitation, DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow ion column chromatography and Sephacryl S-300 gel column chromatography. GLP20 was a glucan with β-1,3-Glcp residues as the main chain, which was substituted at O-6 by β-1-Glcp residue, and the ratio of main chain to branch chain was 3:1. GLP40 and GLP70-5-a were galactoglucans. The main chain of GLP40 was composed of α-1,4-Glcp and α-1,6-Galp residues, and α-1-Galp residue was connected at the O-6 position of α-1,4-Glcp residue. GLP70-5-a possessed β-1,3-Glcp, β-1,4-Glcp, β-1,6-Glcp and α-1,6-Galp residues, and the branched chain was connected to β-1-Glcp residue at the O-6 position of β-1,3-Glcp residue. GLP70-1-50s, GLP70-2-a and GLP70-4-50s belonged to fucose-galactoglucan with a backbone of α-1,2-Fucp, α-1,6-Galp, α-1,3-Galp and β-1,6-Glcp residues and a branch of α-1,6-Galp and β-1-Glcp residues. In addition, the backbone of GLP70-1-50s and GLP70-2-a also contained α-1,4-Glcp residue and GLP70-1-50s branched chain contained α-1-Manp residue. Six homogeneous polysaccharide fractions showed the immunoregulation effects and the activity of different fractions was different. The results provided supports for further study and application of G. lucidum polysaccharides.

110Understanding relationships between particle size/concentration of food gels and gut fermentation in vitro

Anqi Li1, Heather Shewan2, Bernadine M Flanagan1, Deirdre Mikkelsen3, Barbara A Williams1 and Michael J Gidley1*

1Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, The University of Queensland
2School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland
3School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability, The University of Queensland
Dietary fibre polysaccharides are often consumed as structured assemblies, either in the form of plant cell walls or as gel particles. As they are not enzymically digested in the stomach and small intestine, these particles serve as substrates for the gut microbiota in the large intestine, leading to nutritionally beneficial end products such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and modulation of gut microbiota populations. While numerous studies have investigated the effects of polysaccharide chemical structure on gut fermentation, less attention has been paid to factors such as particle size or polysaccharide concentration. Polysaccharide gels exhibit relatively uniform structures that can be tailored to produce distinct properties by adjusting gelation conditions. Therefore, polysaccharide gel particles present an ideal model for exploring the interplay between physicochemical characteristics and dietary fibre fermentation in vitro.

Calcium-induced gelling polysaccharides alginate and pectin were selected to prepare gel particles by both dripping (> 1 mm) and emulsion-based (< 1 mm) methods. Gel particles were introduced directly into an in vitro fermentation system with a human faecal inoculum to mimic their interaction with the human gut microflora. Compared to polysaccharide solutions, the gelled form decreased the fermentation of both alginate and pectin. Among dripped alginate gel particles, particle fermentation detected via gas production and total SCFA production was not obviously affected by particle size (2-4mm) or concentration (dry matter 3-6%)ranges studied. However, a distinct effect of particle size was observed for smaller (emulsion-based) particles, and pectin gel particles smaller than 0.5 mm showed similar fermentation to the corresponding solution, suggesting that fermentation kinetics can be modulated based on particle size. This work demonstrates gel particle size effects on gut fermentation in vitro and forms a basis for guiding food gel design for desired fermentation properties.

175Polyvinyl alcohol-based electrospun mat as an on-package smart freshness indicator of an Indian traditional milk-based confection

Harish Ganeshrao Tawde, Narender Raju Panjagari*, Sangita Ganguly.

Dairy Technology Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132001, Haryana, India.
With the growing demand for safe and attractively packaged food products, smart packaging tools such as colorimetric freshness indicators are becoming increasingly popular. The objective of this research was to develop an on-package colorimetric smart freshness indicator for burfi, a khoa-based confection popular in the Indian subcontinent, using the electrospinning technique. To achieve this, polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) was used as the polymer base, and smart ink components were selected and optimized in concentration to prepare a smart electrospun mat. The developed smart electrospun mat was analyzed for its microstructure, crystallinity, polymeric functional groups, mechanical strength, and overall migration. It was also exposed to key volatile markers of burfi at different concentrations to test its sensitivity. Subsequently, it was applied to packaged burfi as a smart, colorimetric freshness indicator for real-time, non-destructive quality evaluation. The fabricated indicator mat exhibited a nonwoven structure with micro-sized fibers (294±23 µm). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed functional groups sensitive to the exposed key volatile markers, while XRD analysis showed a decrease in the semicrystalline nature of the PVOH mat after the addition of smart components. The tensile strength and percentage elongation of the smart mat were found to be 0.0019 MPa and 134.15%, respectively. Global migration into food simulants was within the prescribed limits. The real-time performance of the freshness indicator was then studied, and the color change of the smart mat during storage was correlated with the quality attributes of burfi. Burfi was found to degrade, and a corresponding color transition of the smart mat from yellow on the first day to red on the fifteenth day was observed. It can be concluded that the electrospun freshness indicator effectively depicted the real-time freshness state of the burfi during storage.

254Functional and molecular characteristics of aqueous extracts from seaweed particle fractions

Leyla Covacevich1*, José Miguel Aguilera1,3, Marco Morgenstern2,3, Esther Kim2,3

1Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Santiago, Chile)
2Plant and Food Research Institute (Lincoln, New Zealand)
3Riddet Institute (Palmerston North, New Zealand
Seaweed-derived polysaccharides, such as alginates, agar-agar, and carrageenans, are commercially valued for their functionalities as food thickeners and biological properties. However, using solvents during extraction and purification is energy-demanding and generates residual wastes. Aqueous extraction of soluble solids (SS) from fine particles of seaweed powders, results in suspensions with tribo-rheological properties as demonstrated in our previous studies. This work aimed to investigate the functional properties of SS from Durvillaea antarctica brown seaweed powders (SP) in an aqueous suspension (4.8% w/v) through molecular characterization. Seaweed powders and crude extracts were characterized by particle size distribution, size exclusion chromatography, FT-IR spectroscopy, microstructural aspects by confocal laser scanning microscopy, and antioxidant activity by spectrophotometric methods. The yield of SS was determined for four seaweed particle (SP) fractions obtained by sieving: less than 75 µm (SP1), 75-125 µm (SP2), 125-180 µm (SP3), and 180-425 µm (SP4); extraction temperatures (25, 40, 60, and 80 °C), and pH conditions (3, 6, and 9). The mean particle sizes D [4,3] of dry SP fractions ranges were: SP1: 30 µm, SP2: 57 µm, SP3: 138 µm, SP4: 345 µm. Surface specific area (m2/g) decreased from 1.00 SP1 to 0.09 SP4 m2/g. A 35% w/w (db) SS was achieved for smaller particle fractions (SP1) which decreased up to 15% w/w (db) for the large particles (SP4), indicating a strong relationship between particle size and SS yield. As was expected, the %SS increased with the higher extraction temperatures. SEC chromatography revealed the presence of alginates, laminarin, and fucoidans in SS of seaweed fractions, which were also confirmed by FT-IR spectra with absorption bands estimated at 930-725 cm-1 for alginates and 1260 cm-1 for sulfated polysaccharides (e.g., fucoidans). These results are consistent with the known composition of brown seaweed. The microstructure of the residual pellet suggested the presence of dietary fibers, possibly cellulose and pectin compounds. Furthermore, the highest antioxidant activity and total polyphenols were found in extracts of SP4 dispersions, which decreased by about 60% in smaller SP fractions. We conclude that minimally-processed aqueous dispersions of the seaweed D. antarctica contain soluble solids with natural polysaccharides which may perform as a thickener in the treatment of swallowing difficulties and have potential antioxidant, while the sediment may be used as a dietary supplement. D. antarctica, native brown seaweed to the Southern Hemisphere, may offer a sustainable alternative to refined ingredients and their commercial products.